Bot Overview
What can this bad boy do?
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What can this bad boy do?
Last updated
When starting up the bot, you'll be asked to create a wallet. This wallet is your $Contrax wallet, and will be used for all future deployments of your tokens, as well as for interacting with the contracts you've deployed through the bot.
You'll need to fund your Contrax wallet in order to get started, simply send any amount of eth or bnb to your contrax wallet (depending on the chain you'll be deploying to) and you're ready to begin deployments!
Here's what the bot looks like at first glance after setting up a wallet:
Create Contract: Click this if you're ready to deploy your first contract!
My Contracts: This button will display all contracts you've previously deployed.
My Wallet: Get your wallet's address and balances here, you can also view your private key should you need to import it into metamask.
Register Wallet: This is how you'll let the bot know that you are an owner of $CONTRAX tokens and will be subject to reduced fees if you hold enough tokens. Registering your wallet lets the bot know whether to charge you full fees (0.1 eth/bnb) or reduced fees (0.03 eth/bnb) for your deployments.
How I Work: Provides you with general information regarding how the bot works
Estimate Deployment Costs (ETH): This gives you information regarding the current deployment costs on the ethereum blockchain since gas is constantly fluctuating there.